Tongue Thrust Exercises – 4: /nt, nd/


Tongue Exercises


 Put the whole tongue up against the roof of the mouth so that the tongue is raised as far as possible. Use enough suction to keep it up there. Now open the mouth until the tongue is almost pulled down. Be sure to open the mouth wide, but not wide enough to make the tongue click down. Make the muscles in the bottom of the tongue feel as if they’re being stretched.

Keep the tongue plastered up on the roof of the mouth for as long as possible, i.e. until the tongue becomes fatigued and it is difficulty to continue the exercise. The more suction there is and the wider the mouth opening, the faster the tongue will become fatigued.

When possible (while studying, watching TV, etc.) have your child hold a raisin, cheerio, or other small edible object against the alveolar ridge with their tongue tip. See how many minutes they can hold it there.


Sound Exercises


  1. Starting with the tongue tip positioned behind the lower front teeth, make the /nt/ and /nd/ sounds repeatedly. Make the sound with the tongue tip/blade and the alveolar ridge.
  2. Practice the list of words that end with /nt/ and /nd/ (attached). When you practice, make sure the tongue tip stays behind the teeth for the /n/ sound.
  3. Put each /nt/ and /nd/ word in a sentence or phrase and practice them, making sure the tongue tip stays behind the teeth for the /nt, nd/ sounds.



Detach and return to the speech therapist on _______________________________


Tongue Thrust Exercises # 1









Tongue Exercises (clicking)







Tongue Exercises (holding)







Sound Exercises








My child did this week’s home assignment as indicated above and I have recorded the number of minutes for each group of exercises.


                                                      Signed ___________________________________