Tongue Thrust Exercises 13, 14 and 15




1. With the tongue tip positioned down behind the lower front teeth, practice these sounds making sure the sounds are made with the tongue blade and the alveolar ridge.


            Group I                                   Group II                                  Group III

        /t, d, n, s, z/                             /nt, nd, ts, nds/                                  /st/


2. Make a list of words using Group I sounds in the initial, medial, and final positions of the words. Practice these words, making sure the tongue tip stays down for these sounds, except when they are next to an /l/ or /r/ sound, at which time the tongue tip may go up to make the /l/ or /r/ sound. Note: the tongue tip may go up – it doesn’t necessarily have to.


3. Put these words in sentences or short phrases and practice them. Remember to keep the tongue tip down behind the bottom teeth for the /t, d, n, s, z/ sounds, except when these sounds are next to an /l/ or /r/, at which time the tongue tip may go up.


4. Do the same for Group II sounds, using them at the end of words only. Also, Group III sounds, using them at the beginning of words only.


5. Remember that sound production and tongue placement varies greatly between individuals. No word is produced exactly the same way by everyone and no word is produced exactly the same way each time it is spoken, even by the same person. Therefore, these lessons are to serve as guides to sound production and tongue placement. The tongue tip down position has been found the best and easiest way to correct a speech problem associated with tongue thrust and overbite.


6. Also remember that the tongue tip may go down for it, but up for train. Other exceptions to the rule of tongue tip down may be found as you work with these exercises.



Detach and return to the speech therapist on _______________________________


Tongue Thrust Exercises #__









Week 13







Week 14







Week 15








My child did this week’s home assignments as indicated above and I have recorded the number of minutes for each group of exercises.                                                   


Signed ___________________________________