Tongue Thrust Exercises 5


Tongue Exercises


Plaster the tongue, as in the previous exercise, up against the roof of the mouth. This time, instead of merely keeping it up there, open and close the mouth. Make sure that each time the mouth is opened it is opened wide, stretching the tongue muscles. Do not allow the tongue to click down while doing this.


Open and close the mouth and jaw until the tongue becomes very tired. Try to do this 100 times. After 100 is reached, add 10 each time the exercise is done.


Sound Exercises


  1. With the tip of the tongue anchored firmly down behind the bottom front teeth, but not pushing on the teeth, make the /t/ sound repeatedly by bringing the blade (not the tip) of the tongue up for the /t/. Now, turn the /t/ sound into a hissing sound: (t-sssss), (t-sssss), (t-sssss), etc. Always start with the /t/ sound followed by the /s/. Keep the tongue tip down for the /s/ sound.


  1. Make a list of words that end with /ts/ (i.e. hats, pets, kites, etc). When you practice, make sure the tongue tip stays down behind the bottom teeth for the /s/ sound.


  1. Put each /ts/ word in a sentence or phrase and practice them, making sure the tongue tip stays down behind the teeth for the /ts/ sound. Make the /t/ sound with the blade of the tongue on the alveolar ridge.



Detach and return to the speech therapist on _______________________________


Tongue Thrust Exercises #__









Tongue Exercises







Sound Exercises








My child did this week’s home assignments as indicated above and I have recorded the number of minutes for each group of exercises.




Signed ___________________________________