Tongue Thrust Exercises 8


Tongue Exercises


Chew a stick of sugarless gum or bubblegum. When the gum is soft, move it to the tip of the tongue and push it tightly against the alveolar ridge.


Flatten the gum against the ridge and all over the top of the mouth until it is a thin coat, covering as much of the top of the mouth as possible.


Then, with the tongue, remove the flattened gum and roll it into a ball. Hold the ball of gum between the tongue tip and the alveolar ridge. Slowly push it backward with the tongue, stretching it from the alveolar ridge to the back of the mouth.


Throughout the entire exercise, use only the tongue to accomplish the desired actions. When the exercise becomes easy to do, chew 2 or 3 sticks of gum all at one time. This will make the exercise more difficult and thus, more beneficial. Repeat until the tongue becomes tired.


Sound Exercises


1.        With the tip of the tongue positioned down behind the lower teeth, make the /s/ sound repeatedly. Make the sound with the tongue blade near the alveolar ridge.


  1. Make a list of words that begin with the /s/ sound (i.e. see, saucer, cement, etc.). When you practice, make sure the tongue tip stays down behind the bottom front teeth on the /s/ sound.


  1. Put each /s/ word in a sentence or phrase and practice them, making sure the tongue tip stays down on the /s/ sound. Make the sound with the tongue blade near the alveolar ridge.



Detach and return to the speech therapist on _______________________________


Tongue Thrust Exercises #__









Tongue Exercises







Sound Exercises








My child did this week’s home assignments as indicated above and I have recorded the number of minutes for each group of exercises.






                                                      Signed ___________________________________