Student Helps           



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Activity Pages (require Adobe Reader 8):


 Activity Websites:

Vowel Trains

Information Websites:


Syllable Practice (m, p, b, t, d, k, g)


Speech/Language Game Links

/p/ and /b/ syllable drill

Famous People with Speech Impairments


/p/ sound


On-Line Speech Games

/b/ sound

Famous People who Stutter


/t/ sound


Games and Materials

/d/ sound

Famous People with Disabilities


/t/ and /d/ drill


Picture Strings – final /t/


Busy Bee – syllable drill /p,b,t,d,k,g/


Initial /k/ sound


Initial /g/ sound


/k/ and /g/ sounds


Initial and final /k/


Final /g/


Memory page


Activity Pages for /l/, /th/, /r/, /j/, /ch/, /z/, /s/, /f/, /v/, /sh/, /w/